
This plan is subject to change and is not a comprehensive document. All recommended procedures will be done so in accordance with local, state, and national health and safety guidelines and recommendations.

Pendleton Co. Public Library has opened their WiFi, making it available for public use without a password. WiFi is available in the rear parking lot and in front of the library, using “PCPL”.

Wireless service is hosted on the State Library Network (SLN). This network is supported with State and Federal funds, which requires filtering and monitoring. Misuse of this wireless service may lead to disciplinary action and/or prosecution.

To further assist our patrons, we will place a bookshelf on the front porch with a selection of books that may be taken. We will restock as needed as long as we have a supply of used or donated books.

We have been and will continue to clean and disinfect all books when they are returned.

Contact us at 304-358-7038 or email Walt at w.johnson@ephlibrary.org